Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Have you heard of the DNS? Did you know that if there is no DNS we would have to memorize a lot of numbers better known as ip address before we can open a website?  People use the URL or Universal Resource Locator in finding a website and machines use ip address in finding a website. URL is a user-friendly name e.g. www.mywebsite.com. DNS or Domain Name System is responsible for translating the URL to ip address.  Ip address is the method use by machines to refer to one another. Like for instance if you open on the browser this ip address it will open www.google.com.  However, we don’t do   that we just type the URL and let the DNS do the search of ip address.  DNS is helping us out not to memorize ip address.  It is easier to recall the name google than recall its ip address.

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